Blogging and Social media and its influence on The fashion industry

 What does blogging and social media mean to me?

Blogging is becoming a lot more popular in today’s society, along with Social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Facebook and so many more. As an avid user of Instagram, posting photos daily of food, clothes, make up friends and family, I have found it has now become a hobby as it is somewhere I can post my photography and view it all on one page. 

For me, using Instagram opened up my eyes to the blogging community, for example, being exposed to people such as Zoella, Tanya burr, In the Frow. I realised this then allowed me to create my first blog, Cristy Jade Lydia, as I was influenced by others work and success. After Blogging and using Instagram for over 3 years, It has allowed me to virtually meet people with the same interests as myself, which for me feels great knowing that you can always chat to people in that community. However, not everyone see’s blogging and social media in the most positive light and feel as though Bloggers and Fashion influencers have a negative effect on the Fashion Industry.

The rise of fashion influencers and Bloggers 

Now a day, it seems that bloggers and fashion influencers are becoming more and more influential to many people across the internet, through the use of social media. Bloggers have become so highly influential and important in the fashion industry due to using their social media accounts alongside the blog. For example, over 95 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram every day, meaning that there are thousands of users who will be influenced by the content uploaded. This means that those who blog and use social media accounts such as Instagram alongside their blogs are more likely to have a highly successful blog. For example, bloggers interested in fashion who also have a fashion themed Instagram, gain the following via Instagram because of the quality of their photos. This means the Instagram following will be informed when a blog post is written, passing that following onto the blog.

Instagram followings then often attract brands, as recently a lot more brands and companies have been using social media to increase awareness about their brand and attract more customers and connect with them. By connecting with the customers, the brand is more likely to gain loyal customers. By doing this, brands and companies get in contact with these fashion influencers and bloggers, attracted to their following, in hope to gain more traffic and sell more.

Ways in which companies collaborate with bloggers- Product Review

Ways in which companies collaborate with bloggers often include gifting products from the brand in return from the blogger, a blog post review or a photograph posted on Instagram. Triangl bikini is a key luxury brand that interacts and collaborates with bloggers and fashion influencers on Instagram. The brand contacts you via a comment from the social media team and will send you a bikini of your choice. However, this company will not expect a review or photo in return, however, because the bikinis are so luxurious, high quality and picturesque, many bloggers do so out of their own personal choice. Not only will this help the company gain more customers and viewers on their site, it also beneficial to bloggers with their career and putting company collaborations on their CV’s and personal statements. It also connects bloggers with other brands and helps with collaborations in the future.

Blogger Programmes

Another way in which brands collaborate with bloggers is through programmes such as ‘The Blogger Programme’ and ‘Etail PR blogger’. These platforms allow bloggers to easily collaborate with brands. This works by the blogger applying for product testers to then review over on the blog. Depending on the brand, you need to have a specific number of followers to apply. These programmes allow brands to connect easily with bloggers and vloggers, and often send over packages from all the different brands on TBP.  To read more about the Etail PR team based in Cheltenham click here.

Influence of fashion Bloggers and influencers on today's society

Bloggers and Fashion influencers often have the most influence on teenagers and young adults. From researching and carrying out a survey on Survey monkey, I found that the majority of those who answered the questionnaire were aged 17-20 females. I also found that the majority of those who answered the questionnaire stated they use Instagram on a daily basis.This supports the idea that a lot of people are influenced by what is uploaded to Instagram and thousands of people use it. After asking on the survey ‘Do you watch fashion vloggers (video bloggers) on YouTube? Only 7.14% of 14 people said ‘no’. Many fashion influencers and bloggers have a major influence on teenagers and young adults by posting photos and uploading videos to the internet. YouTube is the second most searched site on the internet and can make anyone successful if they know their niche.

As a lover of watching beauty and fashion videos on YouTube, it is incredible to see how quickly a channel can grow through posting regular high quality videos. For example, channels such as ‘Freddy my love’, have grown hugely in the past year due to regular uploads of videos and photos on Instagram. Beauty and fashion Vloggers videos contain make up tutorials, hauls, DIY’s, skincare routines and look books. `Regular viewers are often influenced by what these fashion influencers do. 

Personally, I love Freddy style and she influences my fashion and style as I love her pastel coloured chic style. From the survey I carried out, the results showed that 50% of the participants said that fashion bloggers, Vloggers and influencers, influence the clothing items that they purchase, and nearly 30% said that they were sometimes influenced by what they watch on the internet and social media.

Other major influencers who’s channel has grown rapidly in the past year Is Saffron Barker. Similarly, to Freddy My love, Saffron posts mainly daily vlogs of her life on her second channel and in almost every video is approached by excited viewers and avid fans. Although she is just a 16-year-old girl from Brighton she is noticed by thousands of young teenagers and young adults. However, the older generations may not recognise her, as many don’t use social media as much as teenagers and young adults. This is supported by the results found in the question one, ‘What is your age’ the majority being 17-20 year olds.

Click the link to read up on why Youtubers are so popular and why they are becoming more popular than celebrities.

Are bloggers and vloggers becoming more influential than celebrities?

 By looking at some of the primary research I conducted via my survey, many people are highly influenced by bloggers and vloggers. ‘Think with google’ state that around 70% of teenagers relate to YouTube creators more than they do celebrities. I don’t know about you, but I feel as though this is because they see them as more down to earth, ordinary people, just like us, however, they have reached fame via YouTube. This may also be because they create stronger bonds with their viewers, whereas celebrities don’t have a connection on a personal level.

Some people who work in the fashion industry believe that bloggers are ‘pretend journalists’, as many people who currently work in the fashion industry worked their way up through University or apprenticeships, have also been in the industry for many years and have gained experience over a long period. However, in the Blogging and Vlogging world, the pace is much quicker, one minute a blog could have 20 followers and after one successful post, can grow drastically to 200.

All in all, bloggers and fashion influencers have a major effect on the fashion industry and today’s society. Those who read fashion blogs and watch fashion Youtube creator’s videos are highly influenced by what they say and take on advice from them. Personally, bloggers have majorly effected and influenced my life, not only Because they are relatable and down to earth, but because they have helped me to distinguish my own style. Not only do they influence what I buy and what I wear, they also influenced me to create my own fashion blog that I often write on when I’m feeling stressed and want to chill out. Social media, for me and many young teenagers and young adults, such as Instagram, have also majorly helped my blog grow and attract new readers.

Blogging and social media has also had a major impact on the fashion Industry. Because of the major influence bloggers have on young teenagers and adults, a photograph of a new top or new dress uploaded to Instagram, or a look book uploaded to YouTube could persuade hundreds of people to go out and purchase the item. This means that fashion brands are majorly impacted by bloggers influence as they draw customers into the brands and help to grow their customer following.

However, some may say that bloggers contribute towards ‘Fast Fashion’ due to the consumption of clothing. For example, there are many bloggers and Vloggers who promote ‘Primark Hauls’ and clothing that is made in poorer countries such as Bangladesh, where fashion houses are cramped, dirty and hours can be as high as 22 hours a day. T-shirts can be priced at just £2.50, but how is this price going to cover the payment for the workers in fashion houses. We know that fashion bloggers and Vloggers have major influence on people fashion choices, but maybe the consumption and advertising of cheap clothing could be restricted a little.

Pro’s of Blogging and social media
Con’s of blogging and social media
ü  Gives everyone an opportunity to become successful in something they are passionate about.
ü  Somewhere you can post thoughts, memories and ideas.
ü  Blogging can develop writing skills.
ü  It can act as a form of therapy and stress relief.
ü  You can meet new people who have the same interests and often make friends from this.
ü  It can help brands and companies promote their products.
ü  Social media helps to promote a blog
ü  Working with brands can lead to amazing/successful things .
§  Social media can often be thought as ‘brain washing’ when used to much.
§  Bloggers are often accused of being ‘pretend journalists’
§  Many people use social media for wrong things

